Data Bank Services

A wonderful opportunity to earn working from anywhere, anytime.

No commitments, No joining fee.

Transparent billing & quick payments. Earn with 0 investment.

About us

We are a 10+ years experienced IT services company offering various IT services to the client across the globe.

The motto of collecting this database is to reach the direct customer to find the need for our products and services in their businesses.

How it works


Share your personal details with the attachments to get them verified and get your account activated between 6 -12hrs maximum.

Data Entry

Enter the unique data as per the form displayed. The accurate date helps you in earning more money. FREE Training and support shall be provided

Get Paid

Post verification of the data you entered. you can raise a claim request and get the funds credited to your account within 24hrs max.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally data entry tasks are of 3rd party and the agents do not have any control on the payments as it is decided by the source company. With us it's direct, it's only you and us, no agents so no risk of losing your valuable time and money. Transparent billing with quick payments.

No this isn't a permanent job opportunity, but we shall always be in need of fresh data. Which never ends. So your earning opportunity never ends.

Anyone with basic reading and typing skills can join us, as we don't have a target to run behind. You can enter the data at your own speed and earn as much as you want.

Our associates try to get in touch with the client via the data entered by you. You are eligible to claim only for the verified data, doesn't matter if we get the business or not. But it should be valid data. Any wrong numbers and email ids or any other data found to be wrong, the value added would get deducted from your earnings.

You can raise a claim as soon as you reach Rs.100 or more. Below this value makes it difficult for us to transfer due to the number of transactions.

There would be a dedicated team at your service from 9am to 7pm via phone and 24/7, 365 days via email, Live chat and whatsapp.

Contact Us


Plot.No.12, HACP Colony, Karkhana, Secunderabad,
Telangana, India, 500015


73309 78 479

Email Us

Open Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 05:00PM

Sample image

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